nothing much to update, sincerely.. points form ajelah..
- kak sah passed away recently. kak sah is made's cousin whom had brought him (+ adik beradik) up since small. kak sah and me is not an item. angin lintang keselaluannya. i'm always the budak nakal and she was the ketua pengawas. so, i'm not her favourite. dont get me wrong, but i'm in a way happy that she's now out of pain. oh! she has had breast cancer for more than 10 years ago. a true fighter!
- open house the other day was great! food was exceptional. sampai licin & those came after 3 dah kena makan kentaki. sorry ye.. we first thought the food we bought was not enough. then after some arithmetic calculations, we concluded that most tetamu had more than one round of food. alhamdulillah... rezeki anda, rahmat buat kami. insya Allah :D next year ingat nak buat open house time breakfast. amacam? heheh
- after september's payroll, rasa macam lega sangat. perhaps i've getting the hang of it. so takde la rasa macam terbengong2 macam the first month. siap bertekak & bermasam muka dengan my boss. alhamdulillah... i have the greatest boss. we actually trashed out what we had inside. how i felt, what made me felt like one, what are my expectations.. yes, we had confrontational conversation (it's more of a debate if you saw us), but in the end, we knew what made us sailed into a tight row. i guess, u guys should too.. if you dont feel comfy with the job & pressure that your supervisors are giving, voice it out. they should listen to you and have a mutual understanding. the more you keep quite, the more you're killing yourself. butttttttt.... if you do have an egoistic boss, sorrylah.. tak dapek den nak nolong...
- alesya dah tumbuh gigi atas. yay! skang asik sebut "mama, mama, mama, mama". tapi pegi kat ayah. hahahahha.. dah pandai babai orang dah. asik carik gaduh ngan abang adam pun ada. and adam is one GREATEST brother... mengalah aje. mama sayang adam much-much!
- adam punya spelling kat kelas, giler punya susah.. well.. for me la. tadika dah kena eja development, struggled, community, arithmetic (even i got this wrong), underground, etc. adoih.... i dont think i had to spell these words when i was in kindy. my life in kindy was dancing, singing, dancing, singing, dancing, singing, makan biskut.. pengsan tengok bebudak skang punya competition.
- saya sudah tukar nombor talipon ye kawan2. so sapa2 yang tak dapat my sms, please let me know..
- alin kata skang orang mencuri bateri keta pulak. haih.. satu-satu.. sila berhati2 ye frens.. orang tersebut akan masuk umah u macam bodo je... especially kalo pintu pagar tak berkunci & an extra bonus points kalu kereta you all pun tak kunci. so be extra careful okeh... one lesson, jangan tinggalkan apa2 resit or anything that indicates your address. kunci keta pun, sila tinggalkan kunci aje. if possible jangan attach dengan kunci umah or keychain yang ada alamat. kalo pegi servis keta, some shops will letak sticker with your nombor keta on your alarm. so sila la tanggalkan sticker tu secepat mungkin. nak tinggalkan apa2 dalam keta, sila la pastikan benda tu semua tersorok. pencurik skang ni educated terlebih.. kita pikir 1+1 je.. dia dah pikir 10+10...
- skang tengah mood sheila majid. hehehehehe....
ini ajelah la kot buat masa ni. tak tau nak update apa dah... nanti sembang lagi...