few minutes ago, 2 nice ladies came knocking on my gate & rang my house bell. i met them. i've met one of the long haired ladies last year in taman shamelin.
i was behind my grill. they were asking me electrical goods sort of questions. i answered all the questions, accordingly.
they asked me to pick a lucky card.
"kalau kakak dapat kad terima kasih, jangan marahlah kakak. tak ada rezekila kakak"
i did as asked. i got rm15k worth of products.
one of the lovely ladies called another, i believe, handsome guy
however, i rejected the offer
according to the macho guy, "rugilah kakak. saya pun hairan kenapa ramai org tak mau ambil hadiah percuma"
the lovely sexy ladies showed me newspaper cuttings of berita harian and utusan malaysia. shown there was a big ad about this teacher winning a luxury prizes.
still insist why didn't i take the prize.
she then told me about jalaluddin hassan being the artist for that ad in ntv7, tv3.
again, i rejected the offer. nicely. like how i was taught
one of this lady gave me this remark, "kenapa org melayu tak nak ambik hadiah ni? org melayu bodoh"
bloody hell punya cina. forgive me, but for that remark, i'm a racist.
to that stupid chinese lady,
"kalo org melayu yg satu ni bodoh, org melayu yg satu ni sudah jatuh ke dalam scam bodoh kamu itu. sebab org melayu ini pandailah org melayu ini dapat menilai kebodohan kamu itu. bodoh!"
notakaki: i'm not a racist. never i was. never i will be. but to this kind of scam, stop it lah. i know not only that particular race doing it. my race also into it. and the other races also doing it. tapi, kalo org dah tanak tu, tanaklah kan.. buat apa sampai buat statement nak kena lempang tu kan? takan sampai bila2 org nak jadik bodoh? org yg bodoh je tak sedar dia tu bodoh. kesian perempuan bodoh itu..