Friday, July 07, 2006


life kindda cruel - at times
but who am i to say NO to these cruelty
who am i to judge what cruelty has caused me
who am i to push it away...

am i too weak to accept it?
am i too vulnerable?

where's my strength?
where's my courage when i need it most?
where's my desire when i need it to drive me?
where's my "U KNOW U CAN DO IT" motto inside me?

i've lost it all
i've left it behind
i let it drift away


could i get it back?
can it be partial of me... again?
can i stand strong?
can i seat straight?
can i face the world the old way i look at it?

start now.. i have to make start now...
1, 2, 3
on ur mark, get set, go...

make it happen
make it a reality


i'm still contemplating....

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