Wednesday, February 01, 2006

dua puluh tiga bulan satu sampai satu bulan dua

pergghhh.. lamanya tak update blog ni. bz ke? tak jugak. buat2 bz kot.. buat tupperware ni really makes me moving, thinking and a looooot of talking. heheh.. both me and aiza had few things in mind. insya Allah, with a little bit of patience & effort, i hope our dream will come true. steady za... we'll go thru the obstacles...

i did a facial demo on the 7th floor office. wow. ramai jugak yg datang. sampai tak cukup tangan nak layan. nasib baik ada kak jah. cite punya cite. basuh punya basuh. rupenya adalah sorang my old friend kat situ, sha. sama2 kat metrojaya some times ago. ha.. kan dah jejak kasih.

after ANFC, i venture into a friend's gathering. mmm.. boleh tahan jugaklah. kalo kira2, tolak campur bahagi, memang i ni kategori rugi. tapi tak pelah. for the fun of it, belasah jelah.

mak dah dapat pingat gagah perkasa V1008 the other day. che made had to make way to penang & drove it safely to KL. la ni it's in terengganu. bercuti sakan..

what else eh.. we bought a printer cum scanner cum copier. purpose? we wanna be professional kan? so we have to start being one.

cuti lama2 made both me and che made tak tau nak gi mana. this coming thursday, bawak adam gi cocok. dah setawon sengah tak cocok lagi budak kecik kat sebelah ni. yesterday on our way to kak ti's place, adam pointed to KLCC and said "CICI". it was a nice feeling knowing that this little guy is learning & remembering things so well. he's an observant. he'll do what other people did. and we are sooo.. proud of it. isk.. isk.. isk.. paling dia suka main kejar2. sampai tak larat nak kejar dah. nenek sampai sakit pinggang main kejar2 dengan dia. being the first cucu kan.. manjalah sket. peh ni dapat cousin, kena share2lah nenek & atuk.

abg ajih, kak amy and their 2 little army are in town. they are suppose to come over for lunch today. tapi tak nampak bayang lagi. tuan rumah pun lepak je. masak tak, apa pun tak.. yelah.. dah menu piza kan.. tak payahlah susah2 nak masak kan? hehehhe... kejap lagi order je. yesterday we had nasi budu kat umah kak za. sampai pecahla botol budu tu... bersesuaian sungguh dengan tema. satu umah bau budu sudahnya. ayah & ma planned to tag along. tapi ayah tak berapa confident with his health.

i watched few malay movies. i'm keeping my prayer so that the next movie wont be as suck as the previous ones.... sometimes kan.. i wonder la.. why la those datuk's & prof madya's movies are just rubbish? educated & highly respected for? nothing... dont get me wrong. bukannya i tak tengok cite melayu. i tengok jugak. i layan jugak natasha & mya zara. hahaha.. but those cinta fotokopi, sembilu & some others are just.... plain. plot merata2 tempat. kejap kat kajang, kejap kat kelang, kejap kat tampin. apa ni? and ada ke org tunggu ketapi sorang diri? kat tempat ketapi barang pulak tu? ayoyoo... peh tu kalo nak mengamuk, marah2, sedih, mesti ada hujan? apa relevan hujan ni? kasi sedih lebih la? standard hindustan la... buatlah cite cam gol & gincu. light & easy. cakap pun tak delah berbelit. nantilah. i'll elaborate more on this. i kena spend more time on the movies. nak jadi analyst pulak. hehehe..

sebelum lupa.. hepi besday to aiza & hepi 30th year anniversary to mak & bapak..


Anonymous said...

maceh for remembering my besday! maceh gak for helping me with the bisnes tupperware.. rasa smangat sgt lah nie

anne rafei said...

aiza: no prob. u're a friend in need. i'm ur friend indeed...