here's our little chat while i was driving adam back to maknek's
adam: mama, mama tau apa neighbour?
mama: neighbour tu apa?
adam: neighbour tu org duduk sebelah kita la..
mama: oooo.. so dalam car sekarang ni, mama neighbour adam la kan? (because adam was on the co-driver seat)
adam: apa la mama ni.. mama ni mama saya la.. nenek sebelah lah neighbour kita
err.. i guess i was having too much thought of expanding vocabulary to a kindy kid.. or perhaps.. too eager suits me nicely.
adam: mama, nanti mama sign buku teacher bagi ye
mama: oo.. communication book tu?
adam: bukanlah mama. itu circular book
mama: oh! bukan dia tulis communication book ke?
adam: bukanlah.. circular. mama, mama (sambil geleng pala)
sumpah! kat buku yg adam kata tu tulis "communication book" tau..
satu malam tu, kami gi umah kawan untuk hantar tupperware. agaknya macam dah tau org akan tanya apa, dia turunkan cermin keta and told my friend:
"saya adam. saya 5 years old. saya dah school. kelas saya KG2"
i like the fact that adam enjoys being in SSU. his vocabulary getting better. he understands, he talks. he's able to communicate with other kids & teachers. since adam has been coming to school earlier than the other kids, teacher shanti (adam's class teacher) has become pretty close to him. i'm glad things went smoothly with adam & school. and still mama hates ayah's job (for the time being)..
apa pepatah tu....
'sayangkan isteri tinggal, tinggalkan....'
heh heh heh...sabau je lah
i rasa u bole buat satu himpunan entries pasal berbualan dengan adam ni. namakannya, "Siri bercakap dengan Adam"... hehehe...
bijak anak ko nie!!.. aunty yul booking ble? :p
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