Friday, May 23, 2014

What a day!

Slept at about 4:32. Woke up at 5:37.  Snoozing until 6. 

At 8, sent Alesya with sugared butter cookies for her teachers' day celebration. 

Nita came to pick up science lab's cake at 9.

Sent lego cupcakes for Noren at 9:45.

Had breakfast with Rizal at 10.

Arni picked up her flowery cupcakes and a mini cake at 11.

Went out to pick up the kids at 11:30. 

Izwa came at 1:30 and left 3 hours later. 

Went to pick up Adam from sekolah agama at 4:45.  


Alhamdulillah.  Rezeki Allah yang bagi.  


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