Monday, April 14, 2014

Home with Alesya

A:  Mama...  I want susu air
M:  Eh...  You've just had your susu air
A:  But I want
M:  Not now ok?  Later. You have just had it
A:  Mama....  Can I ask you a question?
M:  Yes
A:  Why Ayah always make and you say no-no-no-no-no all the times?
M:  I did not say no.  I said later.  Are you angry with me?
A:  No...  I love you
M:  So what do you want me to do now?
A:  Errr...  Susu air?
M:  Ok la. Ok la. I go get it.

Never a dull moment.  

Ok. Tata


YourOtherHalf said...

with Ayah, everything also can. even watch Peppa Pig before going to bed. it is up to Mama now to instil some discipline. but now she also lost. despair.... despair...



anne rafei said...

Kesian ok, encik ayah... Sebab pas tu dia kiss banyak2. So terharu. You dapat? Hahahhaa