Thursday, April 17, 2014


Feeling sad as I woke up to the news of the late Karpal Singh. Never knew him. Never had any conversation. He was a person I have known from our media.  Some said he's bad; and some said otherwise.  Not good to judge.  Condolences to the family. 

On contrary, I was feeling happy too.  I had lunch date with my partner in crime, Nit, Rizal & Yogesh!  Yeah!  They were my officemates. My best buddies!!  I had truly missed them especially Nit - the best friend I've ever had.  Alamak...  Now rindu again. 

I would also humbly request for your prayer for ma (made's mom) whose health is deteriorating.  Hapuskan kesakitannya dan permudahkanlah segala urusannya. Amin. 

Ok. Tata.

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